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Anti Acid

Anti Acid


Indigestion, Reflux & Heartburn


    INGREDIENTS: 100% Pure Essential Oils. Cinnamon, Clove, Copaiba, Nutmeg, Spearmint, carrier oil.

    DIRECTIONS: Roll up and down the sternum and around the belly button.

    HEALING PROPERTIES: Upendi Essentials ANTI ACID Blend, has alkaline and detoxifying properties and is a great option to provide relief for acid reflux because it can help to neutralize the acid in your stomach and remove unwanted bacteria from your gastrointestinal tract. ANTI ACID can be applied directly onto the skin. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

  • Testimonials

    “I like to use natural products to relieve ailments if possible and the Anti Acid Essential Blend form Upendi is just the ticket for indigestion and heartburn, the relief is immediate.” - David H

    “Every time I have acid reflux or digestive problems, I use Anti Acid from Upendi Essentials, and it’s fixed.” - Natalie

Bites & Stings Fix

“I had a really nasty spider bite last week and I used Stings & Bites Fix by Upendi Essentials.

By day 3 the itching and stinging had stopped.

By day 6, I could hardly see the bite.

By day 7, there was no sign I had even had a spider bite.” - Jo Elliot

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