Sweet Dreams
Insomnia & Restlessness
INGREDIENTS: 100% Pure Essential Oils. Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Lavender, Neroli, Vetiver, carrier oil.
DIRECTIONS: Apply externally to the bottoms of the feet, the back of the neck and wrists.
HEALING PROPERTIES: Upendi Essentials SWEET DREAMS Blend, has relaxing and calming properties to help reduce restlessness and agitation. It is wonderful for those who need help soothing their mind and body before they go to bed. SWEET DREAMS can be applied directly onto the skin. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.
“Upendi Sweet dreams in my opinion is the best essential oil in my collection (which is quite big!) I love it so much, I roll some on the bottom of my feet every night and I sleep like a baby, even when I am stressed or have nightmares. I love it!” - TJay